Highlights & Benefits
The Proposed Concept builds a modest, low impact residential development in one of the only few areas in Canmore designated as “Future Development District”.

The landowners are choosing less density in an area that could support significantly more development similar to Spring Creek Mountain Village to the North of its boundaries.
Benefits to the Community

The Proposed Concept builds a modest, low impact residential development in one of the only areas in Canmore designated as “Future Development District” under the LUB. The landowners are choosing less density in an area that could support significantly more development similar to Spring Creek Mountain Village to the north of its boundaries.
The Concept maintains 89% of the total land in a natural state providing a diffuse buffer of development that transitions development and natural landscapes between the proposed Spring Creek Mountain Village and the Bow River.

The Proposed Concept brings clarity and certainty of land use to this large, undeveloped tract of private land after over 30 years of grandiose development aspirations for significantly larger developments compared to the current landowners' proposal.

The Proposed Concept preserves the most sensitive portions of the land as Environmental Reserve Easement.

The Proposed Concept offers accessory dwelling units consistent in size to dwelling units in other parts of the community making a modest but ever-important contribution to the Town’s housing availability.

The Proposed Concept anticipates a net positive benefit once offsetting is complete including flood mitigation, restoration of the riparian area along Spring Creek and Policeman's Creek and planting native shrub species and trees to replace those required to be removed by the FireSmart directive.

The Proposed Concept incorporates all the recommendations identified in the Environmental Impact Statement ensuring that the potential residual effects (any effects that remain once all mitigation and restoration is completed) are negligible to low overall. The Concept has been directly shaped by the outcomes and findings of the EIS.
The Proposed Concept affects only 0.5 percent or ½ a percent of the area identified as the South Canmore Local Habitat Patch, an area that does not meet the criteria for a Local Habitat Patch.

The Proposed Concept truly demonstrates the meaning of sustainability and the trades offs required through both stewardship of the environment and the construction of homes that will meet or exceed the Town’s stated Climate Action goals of 30% reduction in greenhouse gasses using the 2015 NECB reference building.
The Proposed Concept will ultimately increase the residential assessment base for property taxes.
Exceptional Community Benefit

The Proposed Concept provides a donation of land for the construction of a much needed and highly desired Palliative Care Centre for use by the citizens of Canmore at the end of life.

The donation of approximately 0.8 ha or 2 acres of serviced land to the Palliative Care Society will reduce the burden of fundraising for a community-based charity and provide a site in proximity to the Town amenities that would otherwise not be available.

The Palliative Care Society has invited a diversity of voices into both the design of the building and the programs and services that will be offered within the new Centre. Engagement with Indigenous voices was significant.

The Proposed Hospice Concept will address a gap in 24/7 provision of services and its need will only increase as the population increases.

The Proposed Hospice Concept and the programs associated with the provision of end of life care will retain a population and create permanent employment in sectors other than tourism and construction.

The Proposed Hospice Concept will create permanent, new health related employment opportunities with salary ranges above the traditional rates paid by the hospitality and retail sectors.

Employees of the Palliative Care Society typically are well educated professionals who will live in Canmore and bring up their families. Consequently, they will contribute significantly to the social fabric and economic activity in the Bow Valley.

Over the construction phase of 24-30 months, there will be 50-60 full time jobs which will be contracted positions with local contractors and sub-contractors.
Given the nature of the Proposed Hospice Concept, the estimated economic impact is in the range of $4 million annually.